Hello! As you can see, I finally got some of my pictures from The Springs developed. These are just a few of the many pictures I took.
Well, I really don't have anything to write. My life has been pretty boring. No friends over, no major disasters, I'm bored. But tomorrow I get to go see my neice, Grace, the one who broke her leg, and her little brother, Caleb. I'm excited about that. And I have my video games and my movie from The Springs. But I'm still kind of bored. Oh, I forgot to mention in my last blogs that we got a 14' trampoline with an enclosure. It's cool, but I can't jump on it right now because it's wet and would get stretched out. Well, that's all I have to say for now. But certain people need to update soon. Oh well. Bye!
LOTS of little kids. Oh, and I'll try to get some pictures devolped and put on here. Hopefully fairly soon.
Well, I didn't exactly get around to blogging more yesterday, so I thought that I should probably blog more today. Now, at The Springs, there are many amazingly fun and entertaining games. Games like Scalps (played with a sock), Mission Possible ( also played with a sock, but much different), Octaball (you mostly hit a ball around inside an 8 sided ring), Carpet Ball (almost self-explanitory), and then the normal ones, like Volleyball and stuff like that. One, no two really fun nights were Skit Night and the Pizza Parlor. Wait, no, three nights. Fight Night, too. Well, I would explain more about the nights, but then this would get really long and your head would spin by just looking at it. But, like I've already said, The Springs is AWESOME!!! I really can't wait until we go this Winter. I'm getting some more of my friends to come ( that means you, Justin! And Jennifer. And Maria. And Caitlyn. And hopefully some of my friends that I made at camp will go back). Well, by this time, you may be getting tired of me going on and on about The Springs. But before you go, I gotta tell you one more thing. My sweet little two-almost-three-year old niece, Grace, was jumping on a trampoline, came down the wrong way, and broke her leg. So if you could pray for her, that would be great. She's gonna have a cast for 3-4 weeks and can't walk while she still has her cast. And, if you wanted to, you could also pray for the staff at The Springs. This week is Primary and Mini-Junior. In other words, little kids. Well, I suppose that I should let you get back to whatever it was that you were doing. Bye!
Wow. It's been a really long time since I've blogged. BUT, I have a good excuse. Our internet was being weird and starting to not like me. It was really annoying. Well, for the last week, I have been at a camp in Gladwin called The Springs. It's awesome there. There were so many games and things that were amazing. The speaker was GREAT. He's a youth pastor. His name is Jamie Newsted. He really challenged us, and was very good at capturing our attention. He had some pretty funny stories. Also, there was skit night. It was hilarious as usual. The Springs hired some new people this year. Like in the band, the director's sons used to be there, but they moved away. So, they hired a guy named Austin to play drums, and Brian to play the main guitar. Brian is the media guy, too. I'll tell you more about The Springs later. It's about time for me to go eat. Bye!