Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wow. Busy, busy, busy.

Hi! I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. But I am blogging now. Not that it makes up for lost time at all.... Anyway, I've been pretty busy. I went to Michigan's Adventure this month. It was a lot of fun. Now, I never rode any of the real rollercoasters before. Not until then, at least. When we got there, the very first ride we went on, Maria and I in the front seat, Emily Lardie in the next one, we rode on Shivering Timbers. There were only two things that I didn't like. The first climb, and the stop right before you flew over the mountianous edge. More than a little freaky, in my opinion. But it was really fun.

Well, this week is/was really busy. Sunday- Church, night church, volleyball in the church gym. Monday- Volleyball at the church. Tuesday- Mom and Dad go to Traverse City. Wednesday-Watch Karl and Emma, get pictures taken for church's pictorial directory. Thursday- *moan* pre-registration for high-school.
Friday and Saturday- go to Lacey and Luke's house for the weekend.
Sunday- Church, and me getting baptized at night church.

See? I told you I was busy! :)
