Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey, Everybody!

Hi! If you happen to know anyone with a GameCube that they don't use that still works, would you tell me? Mine up and died. It won't read the disks any more. So, I can't use it. I still don't know who won the contest. Currently, I'm reading the Trixie Belden Series. If any of you have some in that series, that I could borrow, I'd love that. I also like Archie comics. Well nothing interesting going on right now, so I'll write later. Bye!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Holy Cow!!!

Yeah, holy cow. If you want to understand my title, you had better get reading. You see, at the start of summer, my Mom went to the Rainbow Bookstore and entered me in a reading contest. It's over now, and it was fun. The Grand Prize at each store (it belongs to a chain of stores) for the person who read the most books Apple iPod shuffle. I'm hoping I won even though I have no idea how to work an iPod. I'm thinking I should since I read-and this is the holy cow part- one hundred and six books, with over half of them from their approved reading list!

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Look Into my Busy Schedule

Hi everybody, check out my new profile! The pool is clean now, and you can even see the bottom of the deep end! I have a busy week ahead. Tomorrow, lunch in town. Wednesday, shopping in town. Thursday, Michagan's Adventure. Friday or Saturday, Rainbow Book Store. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!