Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey, Everybody!

Hi! If you happen to know anyone with a GameCube that they don't use that still works, would you tell me? Mine up and died. It won't read the disks any more. So, I can't use it. I still don't know who won the contest. Currently, I'm reading the Trixie Belden Series. If any of you have some in that series, that I could borrow, I'd love that. I also like Archie comics. Well nothing interesting going on right now, so I'll write later. Bye!


Blogger Lacey Rumley said...


Your GameCube probably is broken, but Luke said he'll look at it and see if there's anything he can do for you. He also said he might need to bring it to GR and test it out with your games for a while to make sure it's working properly. : - ) Sorry it died.

I don't have any books in that series, or any Archie comics. Sorry! I've been reading Luke's mom's books, and they're mostly about Amish people. And a financial book that would bore the snot out of you. Think about that for a while - it's gross.

Did you get your schedule for classes this year yet? Any good/bad ones? The big EIGHTH grade! Woo!

Love you,

11:09 PM


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