Stereotypical Teen
At least that's what I feel like sometimes. I don't like to emulate the stereotypical teen, but it seems I can be so moody and selfish sometimes. I really don't like these flaws in me, but it helps to decrease their presence if I write about them. So here you are, a new one.
It hurts to think that no one cares,
To feel their eyes watching me,
Cold, dark stares
That cannot see
My pain.
I hate to be so trivial,
But I want just one time,
A guy to tell me that I’m beautiful,
Like the prince in a nursery rhyme.
But how can I be so vain?
It seems to me that I
Would love ever so much
To take to the skies and fly,
And flee from my pride: my crutch.
I want to see it slain.
And as this poem nears its end,
I am thankful for the trees
That let me lend
My voice to thoughts like these.
So I can feel my anger drain.
My feelings about this one are kind of "meh"-ish, but it was written in only five or ten minutes, so I guess I don't expect perfection from myself.